Our Products & Services
Some FAQ’s about our products & Services
We are involved with a local rescue group and support them in rehoming cats/kittens, we have a store showcase when they are available for adoption, we encourage the community to pop by and help us socialise them.
Our team prides themselves on helping our customers with finding the right products and services for pet owners.
We believe in the responsible re-homing of animals. We can put people in touch with the different organisations who can assist with this. At times we may be able to assist with some varieties of fish and birds.
We sell fish, axolotls, budgies, weiros, finch and chickens when available and in season.
Our staff are animal enthusiasts, but we do not have a vet on staff, We recommend local vets;
- Vasse Vets
- Margaret River Vet Hospital
- Cape Creatures
- Naturaliste Veterinary Services
- Cape Equine Vet
- Rosabrook Vet.
Yes we can help choose the right food for your pet, our knowledgeable team have years of experience working closely with our favourite brands and partaking in their up to date training, we are all pet owners and love to help you with your pets.
We do not, but feel free to ask our staff for a recommendation to some of Margaret River’s pet groomers.
- Blackhawk
- Advance
- Meals for mutts
- Lifewise – dog and cat
- Hygain
- Mitavite
- Kiss proucts
- Chaffcity
- Australian premium feeds – horse and a huge range of others
We stock specific pet food for your; dog, cat, rabbit, guinea, fish, hermit crab, marron, axylotl, ferret, rat, snake, lizard, frog, horse, donkey, goat, sheep, cow, chicken, poultry duck/geese/turkey, alpaca, kangaroo, ornamental birds.